by the isle's beauty, they settled there with no regrets,
and built houses as they would have built boats, drawing
their inspiration from their ship's architecture. The
latter was converted into the town hall and the Kap
became burgomaster through force of circumstance.
A few years and a few shipwrecks later, the village
grows bigger with the new generation of Itlanders. When
Banja arrives in Itland, he finds a small well-organised
community and an art of living with which he complies
without problem.
In spite of a sulphurous past in the show biz, Banja
easily gets accustomed with the peaceful manners of
the Itlanders, and immediately goes off to discover
this mysterious world. Thanks to his jovial and generous
character he easily makes friends with the habitants
and often helps them. For he has invested himself with
a mission: preserving at any price the peacefulness
and the beauty of this little paradise.